Friday, October 29, 2010


This art represents the colors of the rainbow.  The reason I made this piece of art is because I feel inspired by all the different colors of the rainbow.   This art is made of 1 peice of paper, 4 cue cards and 7 different colored markers red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink and glue.  I named this art RAINBOW ART because its!


  1. This is so colourful! I am so excited to see your artwork throughout the year. Great blog idea, Teighan!

  2. Whoa! That's a really cool piece of art! I love all the patterns in it!!!

  3. Wow! It loooks so cool! How long did it take you to make it approximately?

  4. That artwork looks really awesome!!! It almost looks like an optical illusion!!! Ooohhh!!! :D

  5. Teacher's technical comment (from a marking point of view):

    I love the concept of your blog. I would just recommend that you also find a way to increase the writing component of each blog entry in order to meet the criteria. (see my blog for the list of criteria)

  6. Hey Artist... I LOVE this its so cool, did you take the cue cards and glue them on to a piece of blank or lined paper, whatever you did it looks really cool. Have you found the motorcycle or the baby dragon yet? When you find them put the motorcycle on first. Again this is really cool and i love it!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Teighan, sorry about my first comment I had to delete it. Anyway, I think your blog is very creative, original and it is very colorful! I can not wait to read your next post.

    I probaly should not ask but, what are you going to do for your next post.


  9. I am excited for your next post as well!

  10. THAT LOOKS SO COOL i like rainbows
